
Mulbarton Primary School news

Mulbarton Primary School had a busy first term with leaders being chosen to represent the school for 2014.

Also one of the teachers, Mrs L Marques, was promoted to HOD.

The boy prefects have been chosen for 2014 at Mulbarton Primary School are keen to get on with their jobs. Left, Mr L Kistadoo (principal) and right, Mrs S Singh (deputy principal).
The boy prefects have been chosen for 2014 at Mulbarton Primary School are keen to get on with their jobs. Left, Mr L Kistadoo (principal) and right, Mrs S Singh (deputy principal).


The leaders have been chosen for this year at Mulbarton Primary School. Front: Lavanya Naicker (deputy head girl), Schaedenet Fonseca (deputy head girl), LaChé Johnson (head girl) and Khumo Mmara (deputy head girl). Back: Mr L Kistadoo (principal) and Mrs S Singh (deputy principal).
The leaders have been chosen for this year at Mulbarton Primary School. Front: Lavanya Naicker (deputy head girl), Schaedenet Fonseca (deputy head girl), LaChé Johnson (head girl) and Khumo Mmara (deputy head girl). Back: Mr L Kistadoo (principal) and Mrs S Singh (deputy principal).


The girl prefect body at Mulbarton Primary School are proud to serve their school. Seen with, principal, Mr L Kistadoo (left) and deputy principal, Mrs S Singh (right).
The girl prefect body at Mulbarton Primary School are proud to serve their school. Seen with, principal, Mr L Kistadoo (left) and deputy principal, Mrs S Singh (right).

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