Uncertainty at entrance to Tiago Shopping Centre

After Tiago Shopping Centre on Orpen Road, nearby The Glen, opened, stop street signs were marked on the road but due to traffic congestion the stop signs were painted over on Thursday October 10.

GLENEAGLES – After only a few days the black paint used to cover over the stop street signs on the road, partially wore away, leaving faint traces of the recent stop street signs.

“This has been an absolute nightmare for motorists,” said a concerned resident who lives close by.

“No-one is certain whether there is a stop street or not and some vehicles speed through the intersection while others stop to let vehicles come out of Tiago Shopping Centre, giving them right of way.

“I’ve seen a number of close shaves and squealing brakes is becoming the order of the day!” he added.

A driver had to slam on brakes as the vehicle in front stopped abruptly.

On Tuesday November 12 a team of workmen were at the scene re-painting over the stop street signs again.

While the CHRONICLE was there taking photographs there was a near collision as a vehicle slammed on brakes, thinking the stop street was still there, and the car behind had to abruptly slam on brakes just missing hitting the vehicle in front.

Another vehicle coming out of  Letaba Road edged his way across the intersection, causing yet more confusion for motorists.

“There have been a few bumper bashings here but quite honestly I’m amazed there hasn’t been a serious accident yet,” said the resident.    

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