Well-deserved award for Sue Lubbe

Sue Lubbe from Sue Lubbe and Friends has been nominated an award by Rotary, for the good work she does in Joburg South.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH: The award is international and the highest award which can be nominated to someone who is involved within the community, such as Sue.

“I was totally bowled over as I was not expecting this at all!” said an excited Sue. “I would like to thank Rotary South 101 and congratulate them on their 25th Anniversary. They are such a fabulous group of guys and gals!  Rotary Ann’s do marvellous work and they are so very active in helping the needy. A special thank you to Jane Soester, who visits homes for seniors and helps them by taking their blood pressure and doing a general check up on the residents. Without people caring to this extent we would not be able to cope with the overloads already at our hospitals,” added Sue.

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