Princess treats her ‘queens’

Queenshaven frail ladies were treated like royalty.

QUEENSHAVEN, SOUTH HILLS: Nikita Deib, a grade 11 Marist Brothers learner, treated Queenshaven’s Lalapanzi centre to a delicious tea on Thursday October 17.
Nikita first visited Queenshaven’s Lalapanzi a few months ago, when she volunteered her time to assist with the frail ladies who reside there.
“The people in the Lalapanzi care centre are wonderful. I really enjoyed spending time with them and realised they were in need of a
library, so began to collect books for them.
“I approached Bargain Books at The Glen Shopping Centre and asked if I could leave a box asking for book donations, outside the shop. Bargain Books also gave some books, which was brilliant and one of their staff members, Rowar Louw, also donated books,” said Nikita.
“I’d like to thank all of those who gave books towards this worthwhile cause. The response was amazing,” added Nikita.
Not only did this young lady organise books but had a bookcase made, organised a tea party and handed out red roses to all the ladies in Lalapanzi.  Nursing Sister Isabella, said, “Nikita is such a wonderful example of today’s youth. While she was working here as a volunteer she brought such joy to the frail and was a real little princess, going the extra mile everyday she was with us.  We were sad to see her go.” Sister Isabella also received roses, made up in a beautiful
arrangement, from Nikita.
Erica Seymore from Bargain Books The Glen was invited to the tea and she said, “Nikita has really made these elderly people very happy. She’s certainly a special young lady.”
While tea and cakes were served, Nikita helped some of the ladies to choose a book they’d enjoy reading. “Elderly people are so interesting and have such a lot to teach the younger generation. I’ll definitely be coming back here to visit,” Nikita said.

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