Dangerous curve results in crash

‘Crash, boom, bang’ is the sound that had onlookers concerned for the lives of two motorists whose vehicles had just minutes before collided into each other on Boundary Road in Oakdene on October 9.

Workers at a nearby office opposite a Kia dealership on Boundary Road got the shock of their lives when a VW Polo came crashing into the gate, just missing the front wall where the entrance is situated.

“A car is coming, a car is coming,” screamed one of the ladies who works at the office building that the Polo nearly plunged into. “I was screaming trying to warn them when I saw the Polo swerving this way.”

The accident reportedly happened when a motorist driving a new Kia Serato tried to enter the road from the Kia dealership but unfortunately, was too slow for the VW Polo that was coming from the direction of Comaro Crossing Shopping Centre.

“This guy was speeding down the road that is why he couldn’t slow down fast enough to avoid crashing into my car,” said the frustrated Kia driver.

Paramedics at the scene confirmed that no one was hurt in the collision although both vehicles were badly damaged.

“I’ve had my car for only six months,” said the traumatised driver of the Polo who was grateful to have sustained only burn marks from his airbags.

People who work in the offices nearby said that the sound of the crash was the worst part of the accident as it had them fearing for the well-being of those involved in the crash. Some suggested that speed-humps be put on the road which is said to have speeding motorists ignoring the speed limit of 60 on Boundary Road daily.

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