Farewell to Dr Janeke

Dr Janeke said: "May I salute all my peers and staff and may you all go from strength to strength. I bid you farewell.’”

MULBARTON: Netcare Mulbarton Hospital Management Team held a small function for staff members and invited guests on Thursday September 19, in order to say a farewell to Dr Johan Janeke, who gave 20 years of service to the hospital. Dr Janeke had to retire suddenly after he became ill.

Nellie Koen, hospital manager welcomed everyone and Barry Bedford (Netcare) gave words of appreciation for Dr Janeke.

Margaret Janeke, his wife, spoke on his behalf, “He devoted his life to medicine and gave of his best at all times to his patients. He would never assume but would investigate and went all the way to help a patient. He became very sick after an assumption was made by a fellow colleague which has destroyed his and our family’s life.

Margaret and Lara Janeke.

“On July 1 Mulbarton Hopsital saved his life and we are filled with gratitude for the hospital and its staff and give our grateful thanks. Doc would like to thank all management, hospital and admin staff here at Mulbarton Hospital and especially asked me to say, ‘May I salute all my peers and staff and may you all go from strength to strength. I bid you farewell.’”

Dr Janeke and Margaret’s daughter, Lara, also said a few words on her father’s behalf and said how proud she is of him. “I know he only retired because he was too ill to carry on and he misses all of you and his patients terribly.”

Margaret accepted an award on her husband’s behalf and said, “Doc would have loved to have been here in person but after another operation he underwent he is unable to walk yet. I know he sends his best wishes to you all and will remember you with fondness.”


Lara Janeke, Dr Gert van der Merwe, Liz Dos Santos (Netcare Marketing Officer, Mulbarton Hospital), Dr F Rolland and Margaret Janeke.

It was an emotional evening for many who had worked with him and staff members said how he was a respected and admired doctor. “He will be greatly missed,” concluded Nellie Koen.


Lara Janeke, Dr Gert van der Merwe, Liz Dos Santos (Netcare Marketing Officer, Mulbarton Hospital), Dr F Rolland and Margaret Janeke.




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