
Learn from others’ mistakes

In response to an article in the Comaro CHRONICLE (page 3, Woman loses R5 000 in smash-and-grab).

It makes me very angry the public do not listen to warnings given out by the police etc, regarding the safety of your personal belongings. The public need to stay vigilant and must always be aware of their surroundings, no matter what.

On numerous occasions, women in particular, have been warned to keep their handbags in the boots of their cars, and not on the front or back seats where valuables can be seen. This is the time when these smash and grabbers should be out-smarted by us drivers. If everyone was less careless, this one issue may stop, as there will be no valuables to grab.

People need to realise that life throws us a lot of curve balls, and they should not once think it will never happen to them, because it just might.


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