
Dalmondeor Primary School grade ones

Welcome to the world to all Grade ones in the south.

MONDEOR – Big kids school wasn’t so bad for newcomers at Dalmondeor Primary as they started their first day of school on January 14.

HI MOM AND DAD: The first school day of the rest of their lives came with excitement and went by quicker than these Dalmondeor grade ones would have preferred.
HI MOM AND DAD: The first school day of the rest of their lives came with excitement and went by quicker than these Dalmondeor grade ones would have preferred.

Grade one teachers Mrs Potgieter, Mrs Wright, Mrs Beck and Ms Van Vollenstee were ready and prepared for the little ones who they already knew individually by name.

NO NERVES HERE: These little Dalmondeor grade ones were all smiles on their big day in big kids school.
NO NERVES HERE: These little Dalmondeor grade ones were all smiles on their big day in big kids school.
SMILING FOR THE CAMERA: It was a happy day for Dalmondeor grade ones.
SMILING FOR THE CAMERA: It was a happy day for Dalmondeor grade ones.

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