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Wonderful Mandela Day at Reuven Complex

Sue Lubbe and Friends fed the seniors with a full luncheon, desert and soft drinks.

REUVEN – Sponsors handed out fruit to the seniors, Danmar and entertainers had cake and tea with gifts of toiletries for the seniors.

Sue Lubbe and Friends fed the seniors with a full luncheon, desert and soft drinks. “The seniors danced, we had Nedbank The Glen that came to chat, the seniors enjoyed themselves so much and we did not stop getting compliments for the fabulous time they had. It is so heartwarming!” said Sue Lubbe.

All sponsors in the South should insist at all homes to have proof of where the goods went. Many of the homes have reported that goods were delivered and not seen by the seniors. This cannot happen for it is fraud.

At Reuven they work with a list that has the unit numbers and people who receive the goods have to sign for their items. This system is used by Sue Lubbe and Friends and people can always check whether their things have been donated to the seniors. The management of the complex has their own system that they follow.

Annie Burger, Carrick Place, Xavier and Bellavista Old Age Homes are only a few of the homes that have approached Sue Lubbe and Friends for help. Some need food, others need their flats to be painted and cleaned. Unfortunately Sue Lubbe and Friends cannot help too many other old age homes at present as they are still busy with the Stay Warm Day, feeding the schools via Christway, that does the cooking for them or delivers the soup ingredients for the schools to cook for themselves.

Sue Lubbe and Friends can also report that they had a walk about with the City Council, that have promised to assist the seniors with electrical plumbing and major work like roof leaks and other things.

When you walk into a shop with seniors and they have to count their cents to buy bread, something is wrong, they will not have money till month’s end, and the people who have enough, always want more and the needy ones help the others.

Sue Lubbe and Friends want to thank everyone at Reuven for assisting them in doing what they have to do to ensure that people do not go hungry. Many seniors often assist them by running around calling people to come for food or they cook soup for their blocks.

“Thank you, all sponsors. We sometimes feel what we do is but a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be emptier with each missing drop! That is what we run our charity by,” she said.

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