
SAPS shares tips on how to prevent crime

A few tips from SAPS Alberton on how to keep safe and prevent hijackings.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH: When you are in the street, do not allow anyone to stop you. Be aware of cars following you and do not allow cars to follow you for a while without changing direction.

Make sure your car’s doors are locked when you approach an intersection, you should also be observant when approaching an intersection.

Look out for people standing around or any strange movement when stopping.2

When you are approaching the driveway, call your partner or children to open the gate for you. If your house is situated on a corner, first drive past before you enter.

Do not allow strangers to sit next to your yard. Be observant of your gate before approaching it. When you are in your driveway, remember to switch off your engine and lock your door.

If you are working late, call someone when leaving work to open the gate for you.

When visiting friends park in their yard to avoid hijackings.

These tips are compiled by Sgt Mgedezi of social crime prevention.

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