
Festive message from Station Commander SAPS Mondeor

This year is almost at its end and we should agree that it was one of the most challenging years since my arrival at Mondeor.

The levels of crime, even those crimes that show decreases, can never be accepted in a modern society.

However, I still draw inspiration with a great deal of gratitude from a vibrant and participative community in the South. The community at large,
the Community Policing Forum, Sector Forums, community patrollers, councillors, security companies and other stakeholders are appreciated and saluted for their valuable contributions towards the awareness campaigns, crime prevention initiatives and service delivery during the past year.

I also would like to give special thanks to the local media for the role they have played in binding this community together. I’m of the opinion that the media realises that no criminal is bigger than any community that stands together as one. My plea is that we in the Mondeor policing precinct care about each other. Encourage each other to be safe on the roads during this festive period and not to drink and drive.

I want to take this opportunity to wish all families in the South, together with my staff a Merry Christmas and blessed 2014.
Colonel JJ Bezuidenhoudt

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