
Black on White: My first time

It was under a tent with only a few people around, I woke up early that morning to do it as quick as possible.

My first time was fulfilling, and the mark on my thumb reminded me of how great it was.

Although I was too young to vote in 1994 and 1999, I made sure I did not miss an opportunity to contribute in building a South Africa I dreamt of in 2004. Meeting former President Thabo Mbeki also motivated me to ‘Take a Stand for South Africa’.

I voted for the first time at the age of 22, optimistic about the future of South Africa; and now I still believe in the same dream, which is why I will be registering to vote this coming weekend.

Young people need to realise, “It is not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country,” to quote the words of former American President, John F Kennedy. As mentioned before, elections are not the final destination, but rather the beginning of a long journey, because who we vote for says nothing about those we vote for, but says everything about us.

November 9 and 10 offers an opportunity to approximately four million potential new voters to register for the elections in 2014. These elections have the potential of introducing a new era for South African politics; however, education will be vital.

It will not be enough to vote because that is how your parents voted, or your view of the past overweighs possibilities of the future. It is a new dawn for South Africa; it is time we learned to let go of past injustices and consider the kind of future we dream of. A future, where all South Africans are included in building a country they want to live.

I am taking a stand because South Africa deserves better, I am taking a stand because I believe, “What is wrong with South Africa can be fixed with what is right South Africa,” quoting former American President Bill Clinton.

It is your time to take a stand because South Africa deserves better… Register to vote for your future and the future of South Africa.

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