
The dragon will rise in 2015!

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part or supported this year’s Annual Dragon Boat Spring Festival.

We hope you enjoyed the day despite some glitches here and there.

We are currently handling the affairs that went wrong and publicly apologise for the manner in which some City officials conducted themselves. We invite any member of the community to kindly bring us your parking fine if it was not handed to us on the day. Furthermore we await a written apology from City Parks and JMPD for the lack of communication between departments which resulted in the unpleasant behaviour.

For the record, City JOC facilitate the final process of an event which is presented to them to ensure all the necessary measures are complied with to make the event safe, and is not responsible for the performance of the various departments on the day of the event. City JOC approved the Dragon Boat Spring Festival.  Our hope is to grow this event and raise the bar to make it a high class event that everyone wishes to be part of.

However, this can only be achieved through the full support and sponsorship of corporate companies as well as Joburg City interest and involvement. For these reasons we need to restructure our thinking for this event which is held for two main reasons. One, to attract visitors back to an area which has received much bad publicity due to its general deterioration of the precinct, and two, to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness.   These two main thrusts are our key focal drivers and we rely on you to help us achieve them.

Due to the general outcome of the last event, we need to build on the experience and redesign an event that will attract everyone from all over Gauteng, whether competing or enjoying a summer’s day outdoors.  To allow us sufficient time to build the event to the professional level it deserves, the next event will ONLY take place on Saturday October 3 2015.

Please diarise this now and make provision for it in your annual budget.    Kindly visit our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/sojo007?ref=hl  to see pictures of the event. If you wish to obtain any pictures, you will need to like our page first of course! Nicky Vakaloudis, CEO SOJO Business and Tourism and, Golden City Dragon Boat Club

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