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The Dragon breathes fire at Wemmer Pan Lake

SOJO and Golden City Dragon Boat Club held their 10th Annual Spring Festival at Old Ouens Sports Bar and Social Club, Wemmer Pan Lake, on Saturday October 19.

THE event proceeded amid the backdrop of one challenge following another from the very start of the day.

Any experienced event organiser would be familiar with protocol necessary to ensure the safety and success of an event. The City of Johannesburg’s Joint Operations Committee (JOC) gives the final approval for an event to proceed. SOJO received all thumbs up from JOC for this event and were ready to rock and roll however JMPD and City Parks had a different agenda on Saturday morning when they started issuing parking tickets to the public who arrived early to enjoy the day’s activities. This fiasco chased away a good number of spectators and caused irrefutable damage to the event, which is held to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness and the general upgrade of this precinct.

The circus continued when no member of the VOC (Venue Operations Committee) apart from one EMS officer, showed up to assist with the safety of the event. Perhaps the officer would have been more cooperative had he been adequately briefed about the event instead of looking for opportunities to undermine the event and the organisers.

Disappointments rolled on when the fire engine did not arrive as promised by EMS, only four out of twenty SAPS members were present to police the event, only two out of eight JMPD events and by-law enforcement officers arrived just in time for their free lunch, the electrical boxes were not operating and the stall keepers had to make alternate plans to cook food for the public. While SOJO was trying to maintain peace and order on land, Golden City managed the water activities and kept the team members calm and excited for the event ahead.

However, not all was sour lemons as bouquet of thanks needs to go to PIKITUP for providing litter bins, EMS Pier department for the bicycle medics, the Red Ants for the portable loos, the jumping castle sponsored by Stallion and the SAPS Water Wing team for ensuring safety on the water. The ladies from Bialla Morena Belly Dancing Studio and Elvis entertained the spectators and brought some colour and cheer to the day. We also thank Old Ouens for graciously providing the use of the venue and facilities and to our local ward councillor Bev Turk for speaking positive words of encouragement to the community as a whole. The service providers, entertainment and venue facilities are all sponsorships which we are most grateful for.

Despite the adversities, the eight teams were having fun on the water and they challenged each other with a true competitive spirit. The DA team were definitely the loudest and should be awarded the spirit award. New teams that took part were TUPA, Nudebt and Signman. Hope they have not lost faith in the event and will take part again. The regulars were Weir Minerals, DA, Tame Times, Reach for Recovery and SOJO, with SOJO team winning the event for the 3rd year running! Weir Minerals came second and Signman came third. Well done to the SOJO team which is made up of different people each year who get together to have fun. Special acknowledgement to Reach for Recovery who traditionally come last but this year they beat the DA team!

This event raises funds for Breast Cancer Awareness and on the day tribute was paid to Rachel Katz from Reach for Recovery who passed away earlier this year after a recurrence of her cancer. She was not only herself once a breast cancer survivor but will always be remembered as the vibrant woman who over the past nine years actively gathered breast cancer survivors to take part in this event. Her goal was not to win the dragon boat race but to be a pillar and give hope to those fighting this pandemic. RIP Rachel.

SOJO and Golden City Dragon Boat Club host this event in an area which requires serious intervention to get it to its former glory. The current tarnished image of what once used to be the pride of the South of Joburg with the only water attraction is continuing to deteriorate in spite of the endless efforts made by the local tenants of the park. One may ask why? The answer lies in the above paragraphs. Joburg City has not realised what is required to partner with interested parties to ensure an area does not lose value to such an extent that it becomes irreversible. How can the City call itself “a world class African city” when it can’t invest in its surrounding suburbs? Every big city in the world hosts a dragon boat festival. What happened to Joburg? We think they missed the boat.

Warm Regards

Nicky Vakaloudis (CEO)

SOJO Business & Tourism

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