
Not a racetrack but a road!

Something must be done before someone is killed!

We live at Catherine Dee townhouse complex and if you were living on our side of the complex you will hear and see how fast the cars drive up and down Klipview Road.
We previously heard that they don’t want to put up speed humps because it is a bus route. I was turning into our complex when a bus came tearing up behind me. If I hadn’t  swerved and floored it I would be dead!
Will the powers that be only react to our requests when someone is dead ? Everyone speeds here! You are only hearing about the accidents, you don’t hear about the near accidents and cars swerving and hitting pavements and near misses.
Every time we hear a car racing up or down the street we wait for the bang! Its not if, but when the next accident occurs! We need help and we need it urgently, the next time we write a letter someone will be dead!

Upset Klipview Road resident

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