
Personal freedom is crucial

Discover your natural ability and run with it.

April 27 marked 30 years of freedom for our beautiful country, South Africa.

Freedom is costly. For me, freedom is about being free to express your gifts and talents planted in you when you were conceived. This freedom is not given to you by someone out there but by yourself. This freedom comes when you commit to facing the challenges of life head-on.

Commitment is about having resolve. Jim Rohn said, “Resolve means ‘I will’. The man says I will climb this mountain. They tell me it is too high, too far, too steep, too rocky, and too difficult. But it’s my mountain. I’ll climb it. You will soon see me waving from the top or dead on the side from trying.”

Resolve is doing whatever it takes to get there. This year marks 13 years of my freedom. This is when I made a commitment and resolved to professionally write and speak after discovering these were areas of my gifting. This led to my purpose of transforming minds from mental darkness to mental light.

So, for me, it all started from discovering my natural abilities. Passions and my personality. I had to embark on a journey of exploring my natural strengths, which are those things I naturally do well effortlessly.

These are things I wonder why people struggle with because, to me, those things were not as difficult.
These are the clues that lead you to discover your natural abilities.

The second part of this is to discover your passions, those things that make you lose sense of things and time. Finally, it’s your personality. Do you like working with people or prefer working alone? These are the clues to self-discovery and freedom.

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