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You can save a life today

The South African National Blood Service needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days for each blood group to ensure sustained blood availability for patients needing blood.

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is experiencing very low bloodstock, so please donate blood today.

Right now, someone needs blood, not just any blood, but a perfect match.

Who knows? One day, you or someone you love might need blood in return. So, give the gift of life and share in a family’s happiness today.

SANBS needs to collect 3,500 units of blood daily and urgently appeals to all potential and existing blood donors due to donate to visit a SANBS donation site to donate their unit of blood.

Finding that perfect match isn’t easy for many people needing a blood transfusion. That’s why every person who donates blood is unique. You could be that one person out of the seven billion on the planet needed to save another human life.

To become a blood donor, you must:
• Be between the ages of 16 and 75 years.
• Weigh 50kg or more.
• Be in good health.
• Lead a healthy lifestyle.
• Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient.
• Commit to donating blood regularly.

Your blood saves lives
Donating a unit of this “precious gift of life” saves the lives of those in need of blood. One must develop a habit of regularly donating blood for the SANBS to collect sufficient stock to ensure quality blood is always available in emergencies.

Thousands of patients could die every day if there is insufficient quality blood in stock. When one donates blood, they give patients a gift money cannot buy and one science cannot create. A unit of blood can save up to three lives because blood gets separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.

You can donate blood at the SANBS Alberton City Shopping Centre. Inspire and motivate your friends to donate and help them realise the profound impact they could have on someone’s life. It is not just saving a life but saving a nation.

For more information, contact them on 011 869 4572 or visit www.sanbs.org.za

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