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GALLERY: Eating healthy for a healthy life

June spoke about healthy eating and how much it can actually change your life, giving you more energy and generally making you feel happier.

GUEST speaker June Stone from Body Harmony (wellness transformation coach) spoke at the Woman of Stature meeting on September 4, Mingle and Meet, which was held at Thaba Eco Hotel in the Olive Tree Coffee Shop.

June spoke about healthy eating and how much it can actually change your life, giving you more energy and generally making you feel happier.

“Carbohydrates are the main fuel and energy source for your body, which include bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, all veggies and all fruits. Carbs range from fast releasing foods like honey, sugar, white bread and refined food to low releasing carbs, such as non-starchy veggies (green leaf) and low sugar fruits such as berries,” she said.

She suggested eating lots of green leafy veg, onions, peppers, mushrooms and to choose more whole grain carbs such as whole grain bread, brown rice, chick peas, lentils and oats for sustained energy.

She went on to explain how protein is important in your diet but the quantity and quality is key. “Eat eggs, meat, fish (all animal-based protein), quinoa and soya (plant-based protein). Also dairy-based protein such as milk, yogurt and cheese. Avoid low-fat skimmed milk and yoghurts as they are higher in carbs to make up for the loss in taste when reducing the fat content. Good fats are the natural ones and are required for the brain and nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system, joints and skin.

“Avoid bad fats, such as damaged oils (fried foods, burnt and browned foods, hydrogenated vegetable fats (margarine and lard).

“Two-thirds of our body consists of water and therefore is an important nutrient. If your mouth feels dry, you are already dehydrated.”

June also explained the different types of body shapes. People who carry weight around the middle are often stressed.

“Remember, anything white is generally not healthy, because a large portion of Serotonin and Dopamine are made in the gut and these have a major impact on mental and emotional health. Eat eggs, cheese, pineapple, tofu, salmon, nuts and seeds, turkey, fruit and vegetables (in particular bananas) and even dark chocolate. Be mindful of the food you put into your body,” June said.

Shereen Hunter (chapter leader for the new South Chapter Joburg West) thanked June and then spoke about the importance of being around healthy friends. “You can’t think yourself happy. I’ve spent 1 460 days in denial before I made a change. I woke up one morning and decided I’m not failing anymore. Now I’ve enjoyed 13 days of effortless success and I’m trying to have a holistic view and become healthier.

“I have to say I am one with great tenacity and I never give up. Don’t quit, keep trying. Remember though you can’t be good at everything and one person doesn’t have all the answers.”

She went on to add, “Don’t compare your trying to someone else’s trying. We are all different and act differently in the same situations.”

Mingle and Meet ended with the next meeting to take place on October 2, at 8am in Olive Tree Coffee Shop at Thaba Eco Hotel. For more information please phone Carrie Viviers on 064 753 8441 or email:



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