
Join group and report stolen manhole covers

This has become a serious problem in the area as there have been reports about people being injured by falling into the uncovered holes.

Following the reporting of one of the members of the Winchester Hills Ext 3 Crime Reaction Group, that his neighbour witnessed the manhole lid being stolen by three men, we decided to undergo the exercise of asking the community to report on whether manhole covers around their homes had been removed.

This has become a serious problem in the area as there have been reports about people being injured by falling into the uncovered holes.

In total, 17 manhole covers had been removed in the area.

This has been reported to the ward councillor for the area who is working with us to have them replaced as soon as possible.

What we are asking the community is to please keep your eyes peeled and ears open and if you witness anything untoward or of a criminal or suspicious nature to please email me at cathy.brondani2@gmail.com

If you are a resident in the Winchester Hills Extension Three area and you would like to join the Winchester Hills Ext 3 Crime Reaction Group, please message me on 076 339 3786 stating that you would like to be added to the group, giving your name and address.

The group works with all security companies in the area who are willing to work together in a collaborative effort in the best interest of the community to assist in the eradication of crime in the area.

Cathy Brondani


Naturena residents troubled by nyaope boys who ‘steal manhole covers’

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