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Dance and its alluring appeal

“I guess it’s every dancer’s dream to perform in a show in London, it certainly is mine.”

FOR the Eikenhof Women’s Institute ladies, their monthly meeting in August was livened up with guest speaker Claire Boswell, chatting about her life as a dancer and appearing on stage.

Claire (27) took to ballet, like a duck to water, at the age of four years old and loved to dance or act. “I remember my dad saying as I became older, ‘it’s a great career choice but you’ll always be poor.’ And to be honest, he’s not far wrong,” laughed Claire.

Claire attended college and studied drama, singing, dancing and acting part-time for three years while she also worked, and then full-time for five years. She appeared in Singing in the Rain at a Cape Town theatre, which she said she enjoyed and then went onto a cruise ship dancing for a while. “The dancing was a little tricky at times when we were sailing through rough seas, but I managed to keep my footing, and dance steps, most of the time.”

After returning from sea, she auditioned for West Side Story and got a part in the show, which ran for three months.

“Being a dancer can be hard at times and I’ve been to many auditions over the years. I’d love to go to London to try out dance classes and workshops. I guess it’s every dancer’s dream to perform in a show in London, it certainly is mine,” Claire added. Advice, she said, she’d give to any new dancer or actor, “Stay motivated and learn to take, ‘no’ with a pinch of salt. Just keep thinking, next time it will be a yes”.

“There’s definitely more work overseas, which is sad, because we have a plethora of super talented actors and dancers in SA, just waiting for their break.”

Claire, who actually lives in Cape Town, is in Johannesburg for now with her boyfriend, Jonathan Roxmouth, who was appearing in The Musicals in Concert at the Monte Casino theatre. “Our relationship can be difficult at times because we are often working such different hours, but we manage to work it out. When acting, singing or dancing is your chosen career I do believe, where there’s a will there’s a way and you are prepared to go the extra mile to be with those you love,” smiled Claire.

The morning flew by and before the ladies realised, it was time for tea. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 12, at 9.30am in the church hall at St Andrew’s Church, Burger Street, Suideroord. Ladies, come along and see what the WI is all about. Visitors are always welcome and maybe you will enjoy it so much, you’ll become a member. Phone Joy Boswell, president, on 084 526 5857 for more information.

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Show Day at Eikenhof WI

Guest speaker chats about cats at Eikenhof WI

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