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Domestics taught about holiday safety

SOS security and Mondeor Sector 2 CPF offered advice, tips and guidance to domestics for holiday safety.

AT the recent domestic watch meeting Michael Bailey (SOS Security) and Michelle Pelser (Sector 2 Mondeor CPF) educated domestics on basic safety for the upcoming holiday season.

The meeting was held at the Sasol garage at Columbine Square on November 7 and it was emphasised that crime around this time of the year gets much worse and people need to be more careful than usual. Criminals also want a happy holiday and will stop at nothing to get your possessions. “They will hurt you, rape you and even kill you to get what they want,” read document given to domestics.

Bailey elaborated on the points mentioned in the document. Here are some of the points discussed:

Traveling tips:

  • Don’t carry lots of cash on you.
  • Don’t talk on a cellphone while traveling.
  • Be polite but do not engage in conversations with strangers.
  • Avoid traveling at night and travel with friends or relatives. Select transport carefully as buses have fewer accidents than taxis. Carry minimum luggage and don’t leave it unattended.
  • Don’t accept food from strangers.

Street safety:

  • Do not walk alone or in dark and deserted areas.
  • Leave your valuables at home and don’t carry more money than needed. Hide your cellphone on your body and keep it on silent. Also, have a whistle on your house keys.
  • Have a bag with a strap around your back and never keep money or cards in back trouser pockets.
  • If robbed, be co-operative and give the attacker what they want by throwing it and running in the opposite direction. Blow your whistle if it is safe so that others can help you.
  • In an elevator, examine who is inside before entering and stand close to the panel. Press the alarm button if anything seems suspicious.
  • Arrange for salaries or pensions to be paid into your account.
  • Keep emergency numbers on speed dial and be alert.

When leaving your property:

  • Lock up properly and leave a light on at night.
  • Always have pepper spray or a whistle.
  • Carry an umbrella or a rolled up magazine in paper so it looks like you have a weapon.

Looking after a property:

  • Make sure you know who is allowed on the property and don’t tell anyone that you are alone.
  • Answer the phones if it rings and take a message saying your employer is lying down or something. Immediately tell your employer.
  • Someone should visit the house weekly to avoid suspicion.
  • Switch lights on and off daily and empty the post box daily.
  • Keep a panic button on you and make sure the alarm works.

Personal tips:

  • Ensure your employer knows where you are going and they must know when you are expected back.
  • Have employers and emergency numbers on speed dial on your phone.
  • Keeps receipts at the ATM if you print it.
  • Don’t blind walk. Remember people and details about them.

The lesson was enjoyed by all who attended and domestics were urged to take the lesson home and share it with friends and relatives.

Also Read:

Domestics Watch teaches telephone safety

Beware meter readers

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