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Elsa celebrates her century

Celebrate the life and 100th birthday of a wonderful, kind and remarkable woman.

ELSA Preston celebrated her 100th birthday with family, friends and the generous staff members at Queenshaven Retirement Home on Friday, November 11 – all showered her with much love, gifts, eats and treats on her special day.

Elsa was born in in East London a century ago (1916) and it was there that she completed her schooling career and began working. She endured through the turbulent times of two world wars during the early part of her life.

She later moved to Johannesburg, where she showed how talented she was in her career. Elsa ended up as a director in a large printing works, which was a remarkable achievement.

A family member at the birthday celebration, spoke to the CHRONICLE on behalf of the family and paid tribute to Elsa’s life and what she has achieved.

“Being in the printing industry was no mean feat, when you consider in that time printing was an arduous task – having to set up the machines manually to print. Being an astute business woman, the firm was very successful. Aunty Elsa retired from work during her seventies,” said Lionel Salmon.

Elsa married Unny Preston and during that time, she became an avid traveler; going overseas on a number of occasions.

“All the family knew that on her return from these trips, there would be gifts for everyone. Not one person was forgotten. Aunty Elsa is a member of the Methodist Church and worked tirelessly for the Women’s Auxiliary,” said Salmon.

According to the family when it comes to sport, much can be said about Elsa. She played bowls at the Townsview bowling club, holding the position of Lady President on a number of occasions.

“We know that the bowlers really enjoyed her in that role, as her organisational skills were superb and especially her culinary skills in the kitchen. Many a good meal was enjoyed by the bowlers; not to say that she didn’t excel at the bowls,” they said.

Elsa has been tireless in her work for charity, helping especially Toc H and the SPCA.

Elsa is a remarkable woman who’s had a wonderful passion for life and has reflected her love for people, in being one of the most caring people you could meet. That was portrayed in the beautiful sentiments expressed by family members.

From the family, a word of gratitude goes out to the management and staff at Queenshaven, for the care and love shown to Aunty Elsa.


Happy 100th birthday

Queenshaven resident celebrates her 100th birthday


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