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How to cast a special vote

Learn how to cast a special vote and make your mark.

RESIDENTS who have applied for special votes should take note of the following for the upcoming local elections.

Where to vote?

If you can travel, but can’t vote at the voting station where you are registered on election day, you must vote at the voting station where you are registered either on Monday, August 1, or Tuesday, August 2. Voting stations will be open from 8:00 to 17:00 for special voting – not from 7:00 to 19:00 as it is the case on election day.

If you can’t travel to the voting station where you are registered because you are physically infirm, disabled or pregnant, voting officials will visit you on Monday, August 1, or Tuesday, August 2, at the place where you live but it must be within the voting district where you’re registered and allow you to vote.

What happens when I cast a special vote?

If your application for a special vote is successful, you will vote as follows: your thumbnail is marked with indelible ink, your ID book is stamped (new ID card is not stamped) and you receive the relevant ballot papers.

Please note

In metropolitan wards you will receive two ballot papers. The one ballot paper is to vote for your ward councillor – you select the person who you know will work for your ward. The second ballot paper is to vote for your party of choice. This vote determines how many proportional representative councillors each party will have.

You mark the ballots in secret, place and seal the ballots in an unmarked envelope. The unmarked envelope is placed in another envelope that is marked with your name, ID number and voting district (VD) number. The use of two envelopes is to ensure the secrecy of your ballot (the outer envelope is discarded before counting).

IEC officials take the envelope and place it in a secure ballot box for special votes.

Your name is marked off the voters’ roll with “SV” to indicate that you have cast a special vote.

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