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Generous donations from Gold Reef City

To put a cherry on top, Sheldon Stuurman, GRC financial manager also donated R5 000 to each organisation present on the day.

EXCITEMENT was the order of the day as the Johannesburg Care Foundation, South of Joburg Business and Tourism (SOJO) and Reuven Old Age Home received donations from Gold Reef City (GRC), on Thursday, May 12.

GRC has partnered with SOJO, an association for the upliftment of facilities and establishment of employment opportunities in the South of Johannesburg. It is committed to investing in the various charities and NPOs under the SOJO umbrella, in an effort to support the local community and create opportunities for positive change.

GRC appealed to its gaming members to donate their change and support and assist a specific community cause or non-profit organisation. Loyal patrons proved to be more than generous, and, on behalf of the casino’s loyal Rewards cardholders, over R24 000 was presented to The Johannesburg Care Foundation at the handover event.

In addition, over 2 200m (2km) of beautiful and versatile fabric was handed over to Reuven Old Age Home, under the guidance of Sue Lubbe.

To add that extra special touch of sweetness to the day, approximately 90 little ones from Jungle Tots, the United Cerebral Palsy Association and Christway were treated to four 60cm high Geldhof chocolate bunnies.

Mike Page, director of operations and complex general manager at GRC, said they are thrilled about the success of their donation drive and that it just proves that when people stand together, they can all make a difference.

“We applaud our guests for their big hearts and for giving to those who are less fortunate. We are so fortunate to be in a position to assist our local charities, together with SOJO, and look forward to a long and beneficial partnership with this most deserving association,” he added.

Nicky Vakaloudis, SOJO CEO, said she is very happy for Reuven and she knows that Sue Lubbe will use the fabric to benefit the old age home and thank GRC for all the donations.

To put a cherry on top, Sheldon Stuurman, GRC financial manager, also donated R5 000 to each organisation present on the day.


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