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Baby goods and Easter treats for TLC

"Our youngest baby presently is five days old and we also have one a week old,” said Thea.

STAFF from Simpsons Little Learners Academy paid a visit to TLC (Love of Christ Ministries), in Eikenhof, to drop off baby goods, clothing and Easter treats.

On Friday, March 11, a convoy of cars left the crèche, with staff members’ cars loaded up with baby goods and Easter eggs. “We’ve been collecting baby clothing, toddlers and older children’s clothes for a few weeks and had quite a pile to take to TLC,” said Samantha Simpson, owner of Simpsons Little Learners Academy.

Thea Jarvis, founder member of TLC, took the staff from the academy around TLC and they even had the opportunity to feed some of the babies. “Our youngest baby presently is five days old and we also have one a week old,” said Thea.

She began The Love of Christ Ministries (TLC) in 1993 when she rescued her first two babies. She operated out of her own home and with the incredible support from her family, TLC grew into a vibrant, caring and incredible home for abandoned babies and children.

“We are always in need of formula (Nan 1 and 2) and Nan Hyperallergenic formula as well as disposable nappies. We also encourage anyone who would be interested in volunteering to assist with the babies and toddlers to come along and see us,” added Thea.

Please phone Thea on 083 462 1363 for more information on when to visit or if you would like to donate baby goods and formula.

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