
Suspect charged for malicious damage and assault

A 22-year-old young man from Bassonia has been charged with malicious damage to property and assault, after being caught by SOS Protecsure reaction officers over the weekend.

GLENVISTA –  Apparently the vandal was targeting his ex-schoolfriends’ homes, spray painting on the outside walls.

Residents from Glenvista were very worried about the spray painting because they thought their homes could have been sprayed to alert robbers. One resident’s home whose wall had been vandalised was then broken into.

A letter T was spay painted on to a wall.
A letter T was spay painted on to a wall.

On Saturday morning, September 6, the vandal was spray painting the outside wall of a residence on Alzia Road Glenvista when the neighbour spotted him and called SOS Protecsure to the scene. In the meantime the owner of the house which was being vandalised confronted him and the suspect attacked the resident with a hammer. After a chase SOS Protecsure caught him and Glenvista Community Forum members arrived to assist.

The suspect has been targeting other residences on Park Drive, Mulbarton and Wilkinson Drive, Glenvista.

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