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How to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

Don't just give up if you faltered or cheated a little.

Sticking to your New Years’ resolutions are always a struggle.

It is estimated that less than ten percent of people will actually stick to and achieve these resolutions.

Fear not, we have some tips to ensure that you don’t fold like a cheap lawn-chair and improve your chances of success.

*Make sure your goals are defined specifically. Don’t be vague.

*Put your resolutions in your schedule. Make sure you make time for it on your list of things you MUST do.

*Publicise your goals to friends and family (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc). The more people are witnesses, the less chance of you giving up. Pride can be a powerful motivator.

*Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable. If it’s impossible, how can you expect to achieve it?

*Track your progress.

*Remind yourself regularly of the reasons for making your resolutions.

*Get a partner to join you, misery loves company. Your chances of success are better when you have someone doing it with you.

*Stick inspirational quotes and images everywhere in your house and at the office to keep you mindful of all you wish to achieve and keep your spirits high.

*Don’t just give up if you faltered or cheated a little. Keep on trying and come back stronger and more dedicated.

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