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Watch: Toddler almost nabbed from trolley in mall

The mother went on to investigate and the CCTV footage confirmed her worst nightmare.

A video has surfaced on Facebook of a toddler who was almost nabbed from a trolley by a stranger at the Mall of the South yesterday.

According to the post, the mother was doing her shopping when a man allegedly picked her daughter up from the trolley and set her back down as soon as the mother turned around.

The mother went on to investigate and the CCTV footage confirmed her worst nightmare.

This is what she posted on her Facebook yesterday:  

“We always think these things will never happen to us…

In Mall of the South yesterday(26 July 2016) a man tried to take my 2 year old daughter out of my trolley, when she noticed she didn’t know the person picking her up she immediately said mommy… that’s when I looked. At that moment this man made it seem like he was helping her sit properly in the trolley. Which seemed like it could’ve been the case because she did stand up a few times in the trolley.
My instinct told me otherwise and I went to get the camera footage this morning.
My worst nightmare nearly came true… please please watch your kiddies closely in the shops… I dont know what I would have done if he’d taken her… 

Watch the CCTV footage below:

The CHRONICLE is waiting for a comment from the Mall of the South.

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