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Garden club AGM

There was a good turnout of members and Maud Pickup (retiring chairperson) gave thanks for members' support

JOHANNESBURG South Garden Club held its AGM on Tuesday, May 31 at The Entrance Precinct, Kibler Park.

There was a good turnout of members and Maud Pickup (retiring chairperson) read her annual report thanking all the members who have supported her throughout her two years as chair. “I’d also like to thank everyone who attends our meetings and supports outings, those who work in the Entrance Precinct gardens and those who donate plants etc, to be planted in the gardens. A huge thank you for our meeting hall here and to Julie Maule from Caxton South for her support and her excellent articles published.

“Thanks to my committee for their help and dedication, you have been amazing and have been an absolute pleasure to work with, and to Brian Hovelmeier (auditor) thank you.”

Brian went through the financial report, and thanked Denise Haslecker for her treasurer duties.

Both Rob Winter and Brian Hovelmeier praised and thanked Maud for her dedication and hard work for the club. “Maud has worked tirelessly for the past two years and we thank her for everything she has done. Getting speakers is not always an easy task and we’ve had some brilliant ones. We hope we’ll still be seeing you at our meetings.”.

The new committee was voted in, with Rob Winter (chairman), Rob Jones (vice chairman), Denise Haslecker (treasurer), secretary (Mike Richardson) and Wendy Winter, Leonarda Jones, Anne du Plessis, Jenny Richards and Bess van Staden (general committee members). Brian will remain as the auditor.

Overall winners of the Spring Flower Show from last year were announced: Anne du Plessis (first – 107 points), Lina Jones (second – 83 points) and Jenny Richardson (third – 81 points).

Section winners: section A: Ann Helmrich (18 points), section B: Jenny Richardson (22 points), section C: Ann Helmrich (28 points), section D: Bess van Staden (25 points), section E: Lina Jones (9 points), section F: Lina Jones (28 points), section G: Myrna Botes (10 points), section I: Astria Mackrell (15 points), section J: Rob Jones (21 points), section K: Anne du Plessis (16 points) and section L: Leonarda Jones (48 points).

The meeting was followed by lunch and a get-together of the members.

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