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Post box woes

Apart from it being a nuisance, it’s dangerous as criminals could hide anywhere in the post box area.

RESIDENTS are unhappy about the state of the area surrounding the post boxes in Budack Avenue, Glenvista Ext 4.

“The grass is knee high and to reach your own post box you have to tread carefully through the long grass and weeds. Apart from it being a nuisance, it’s dangerous as criminals could hide anywhere in the post box area.

“The cost of a post box is R380 annually and you would think the area would be kept clean and long grass and weed free. It always used to be kept in a reasonable condition but over the last few months it’s been neglected terribly,” said a Glenvista resident.

Another resident said: “I actually dread going to pick up my post. It’s a shocking mess. In the gutter outside the post boxes there’s actually a garden growing with flowers and all!”

The CHRONICLE has left a message for area manager Mrs S Pillay, who is employed at the Area Office, asking for comment.

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