
Let’s talk about it – A helping hand

We all need a helping hand at some point or other. Why, then, are people often so reluctant to offer one?

We all need a helping hand at some point or other. Why, then, are people often so reluctant to offer one?
It makes no sense to me how we, as human beings, can allow others to suffer while we sit back and watch. I have noticed that most of the world’s problems are actually very easy to solve and, therefore, I cannot understand why the evil still prevails.
Most of these issues take nothing more than simple logic to resolve, yet they seem almost impossible to overcome because we, as people, allow things to go on without stopping them.
Take poverty, for example. It is one of the biggest issues in our country and a harsh reality for many. Why?
I suspect there is more to it than meets the eye. I am still trying to figure out why poverty exists in a world where we are blessed in abundance with food.
The earth is big enough to feed the whole of humanity until eternity, so why do some people still go to bed on an empty stomach?
I am questioning these facts because I realise that there is a gap that needs to be filled by answers. It seems something is happening that we know nothing about. I believe that no one was born to be poor.
The problem here is that we, as people, do not want to give but we want to receive – we do not want to help but we expect to be helped. I would like to educate the masses on a term called “Kharma”. This well-known term could be explained as “what goes around, comes around”.
I started applying this natural law a few years back when I realised how the universe works.
I realised that the rule of “Kharma” is based on what you do, and the realisation that everything you do, in fact, do will come back to you in the same way or another. Like a mirror of the universe, whatever we give to the universe will be returned, whether negative or positive. I have seen how it actually works. It just takes you, as a person, to be fair to others, to maintain peaceful relationships.
Even the Bible urges us to treat others as we would like to be treated. It is, after all, fair enough, I think.
Being good to others is actually good for you, yourself. You will be duly rewarded by nature and vice versa. We should strive to extend a helping hand in order to simplify life for ourselves. Not only could we be in a similar situation one day, we may well be the only one who is willing to help that person.

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