
Armed house robber strikes

A woman from the central part of Carletonville became the victim of a house robber last week.

The Carletonville police say the incident took place on the morning of Tuesday, 15 February.
A 21-year-old woman was in her room in the family’s house in Jargoon Place at about 01:20 when she suddenly heard footsteps outside.
Thinking it was her brother, the woman went to the kitchen. When she saw the door open, she went into the sitting room and looked through the window, but saw nothing. As she walked back into the hallway, she saw an unknown man.
“Voetsek,” he barked after cocking his firearm.
She immediately ran to her mother’s room and woke her up. The armed man, who had followed her into the room, asked who she was.
“Who are you?” she replied.
When the man again told them to “voetsek”, he left the room. The woman locked herself and her mother inside and listened to the robber busy in the sitting room.
The woman phoned the police and then saw the man leaving their yard. He had stolen a flatscreen television and a radio.
Luckily, no one was harmed.

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