
Carletonville CBD a pigsty

Carletonville’s central business area is getting dirtier by the day.

While municipal workers go around and pick up rubbish early in the mornings, this has not happened recently.
The concrete rubbish bin behind the Carletonville post office has never been cleaned since around October last year. This is the only municipal bin in the area behind the post office and the Carletonville police station.
Since December, the rubbish has piled up and fallen onto the sidewalk. Some people have even started throwing their rubbish around the bin because it is filled to the brim.
When it was evident that the municipality was not responding to calls to clean the bin, someone started burning the rubbish in the bin and on the sidewalk, to make the area a bit less of a health hazard.
This area has been much busier than usual due to the large number of people who have had to queue at the post office for their grant money.
To make matters worse, no one has cleaned up the litter between the post office and police station recently. Police members, post office workers and members of the public must walk past the litter to get to the two public institutions.
“The area will be cleaned as soon as possible,” responded the municipal spokesperson.

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