
Farmers catch cable thieves

Observant farmers cut a group of cable thieves’ crime spree short this week.

According to one of the farmers, the incident happened on Thursday, 11 November, while they were patrolling to check for stock thieves as usual. Just after 08:00, they came upon a group of thieves stealing electrical cables from Transnet. They were at the railway line on the farm Blaauwbank, near the Rysmierbult road from the first turn-off past Welverdiend.
The farmers immediately notified Transnet’s security and the police, who arrested the four suspects on the spot.

“We were patrolling for stock thieves because stock theft has become a massive problem in our area. They steal our cattle almost every day. We heard that these cable thieves usually operate in groups of between 10 and 15 people,” the farmer told the Herald.
According to the information the farmers were given, a 55-km section of electrical cable has already been stolen between Johannesburg and Carletonville. Although there is still some cable left between Welverdiend and Ventersdorp, the theft has led to diesel trains being the only ones that can now be used in our area.
The cable thieves appeared in court on Monday.
The farmers ask motorists driving through the area to help them combat crime. Anyone who sees something out of place, like a fence that has been cut or even someone suspicious loading animals is asked to notify the authorities immediately.

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