
Carletonville Sports Centre in a poor state

The Carletonville Sports Centre is looking worse by the day.

The centre was the only municipal sports facility that the public could use regularly before the lockdown – at least, to some extent. The sports fields were not properly maintained for years and soccer players, for instance, complained about getting injured in the many holes. However, the halls were used for social club- and ward committee meetings.
Although the centre was initially used to house homeless people when the lockdown started last year, it has since been deserted. The yard is now in the worst state it has ever been.
There are two big holes in the palisade fencing, one where a vehicle crashed through and the other where the gate was stolen. This makes it easy for anyone, including criminals, to access the facility. Some other palisades have also been stolen.
For some reason, the municipality is just not fixing the fence to keep the facility safe.
There is also a huge water leak right in front of the centre.
During the Herald’s recent visit, water was streaming over the sidewalk and the parking lot.
The Herald took the concerns to the municipality.
“A new valve has been ordered to replace the old one.
As soon as it is available, the leak will be fixed.
The municipality pleads with the community to stop removing and stealing the fence.
Community members are also requested to inform the South African Police Services in case they see someone removing the fence,” the municipal spokesperson replied.

Anyone can walk into the centre’s grounds at places such as this where the palissade fecne has been broken and is not being repaired.
There is also a huge water leak in front of the centre.

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