
Business robber hijacks bakkie with boys

Two teenagers who went to town with their father were in the back of their bakkie when a business robber, turned hijacker sped off to Soweto with them last weekend.

The Carletonville police say the drama started at the Exact Store in Flint Street in Carletonville’s CBD on Sunday morning. The personnel were busy with routine tasks at about 08:30 when three unknown men walked in. One of them was wearing police uniform and they acted as if they were shoppers. Minutes later, however, one of them made their intentions clear when he pulled out a firearm and ordered the personnel to go into the storeroom. One staff member was marched to the safe and instructed to open it. The thugs loaded all the cell phones into bags and ran out. The shop’s security guard ran after them to see where they were heading. Meanwhile, a father and his sons, aged 14 and 16, were at the corner of Annan Road near the Fair Price store in their Ford Ranger bakkie when he saw what looked like a police officer walking towards him. The officer wanted to know where they were going. As the bakkie stopped, the police officer stormed up to him, pulled out a firearm and told him to get out of the bakkie. When the father refused, the uniformed man pointed his firearm at him and threatened him until he got out. The man fired one shot before racing off in the bakkie with the two teenagers still in the back seat. The father ran to the Carletonville police station to report the incident. Quick-thinking police officers asked for the boys’ cell numbers and started messaging them to find out where they were heading. The bakkie was traced as it was driving through Finsbury and Randfontein to where it was abandoned in Soweto. Police quickly located the vehicle and found the youngsters unscathed. Following up on further information, the police arrested five men in Soweto, in connection with the crimes. All the cell phones from Exact were recovered in the suspects’ possession. They were set to appear in court on Tuesday. The police’s trio task team is investigating the case.    

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