
Hijackers drive off with SUV and woman

Hijackers drove off with a woman in the family’s SUV on Friday, 23 April.

According to Carletonville police’s communication officer, WO Peter Masooa, a man and his wife were driving around West Driefontein in their gold-coloured Toyota Fortuner when he decided to stop at a spaza shop around 19:00. The man left the vehicle idling while he stepped out to buy airtime; his wife waited for him in the Fortuner. Suddenly, three men appeared alongside the SUV, as if from nowhere. They pointed firearms at the driver and told him to stay calm and go where they instructed.
“I would rather die,” the man said as he jumped out of the vehicle and ran away, leaving them to drive off with his wife inside. Although he tried to call his wife after loading the airtime, he could not reach her. The hijackers later dropped her off unscathed in Westonaria.

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