
Brave teenager kills own rapist at Wedela over weekend

A brave teenager from Wedela fought back and managed to kill her own rapist on Saturday, 6 March.

According to police communication officer Captain Eddie Boboboko the 15-year-old girl shot an unknown male, aged between 25 to 30 years old, at about 21:15 at Ext 1 open veld in Wedela. He succumbed at the scene due to injuries sustained.
This came after the suspect threatened the victim with a firearm and dragged her into the open veld were he instructed her to undress herself. He also undressed before raping the girl.
While the suspect was busy raping her, the brave teenager fought back and managed to get hold of the man’s firearm and shot the suspect on the upper body, She then dropped the firearm and ran back home.
Here she reported the incident to the mother who instructed her to go to bed. The police were summoned to the scene yesterday, and the victim pointed out the crime scene to them. The deceased suspect was found at the scene. The firearm was, however, missing and police launched a search for it. It has still not been found, even after a search by K9 members.
The deceased was charged with rape and a case of inquest is been investigated. The victim will be undergoing counselling.
“Gender base violence is one of the main focus points of the SAPS’s national strategies to decrease crime against women and children.
“We are saying to young women to always be vigilant while at home or walking alone at open spaces with long grass. Always be aware of your surroundings,” warns Boboko.
The District Commissioner, Major General Fred Kekana, is calling to all men to stand up and take responsibility in the fight against gender base violence. He also urge the community to give information about the firearm that went missing at the crime scene.
Anyone with information can report the matter anonymously to Crime Stop Hotline 08600 10111 or Wedela SAPS at 071 675 7180.

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