
Men arrested after ‘hijacked’ car crashes

An incident in Carletonville last week showed, once again, that the long arm of the law eventually catches up with those breaking the law.

The police in Carletonville say a resident claimed his Volkswagen Polo had been hijacked at the four-way stop where the R500 between Carletonville and Magaliesburg meets the N14. He reported the incident in December 2019. On the weekend of 13 and 14 February, another resident and his family were involved in a collision near Deelkraal. However, when the police checked the vehicle on their system, they found it was the same Polo that had reportedly been hijacked. When they confronted the driver, he said he had bought the car from a family member. The 41-year-old man was charged with the possession of suspected stolen property while his 37-year-old friend, who had sold him the car, was charged with perjury. Both had already appeared in the Oberholzer Magistrates Court last week.

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