
Harmony excels despite Covid-19

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited excelled during the last six months of last year, despite the Covid-19 epidemic.

The company owns Kusasalethu in our area and took over the ownership of Mponeng and other assets, formerly owned by AngloGold Ashanti, in September last year. On Tuesday, the company released its results for the half-year ending 31 December. Harmony, which is now South Africa’s largest gold producer, reported except- ional results that include, among other things, a 336 per cent increase in net profit to R5.8bn from R1.3bn and an eight per cent increase in gold production. It also declared an interim dividend of 110 cents, reinstating it for the first time since 2017. “The exceptional performance achieved during H1FY21 substantiates the growth strategy we set out to pursue at the beginning of 2016. Through astute acquisitions, we have successfully added quality ounces and de-risked our asset portfolio. Harmony is no longer a marginal gold producer but an emerging market mining specialist,” said chief executive officer Peter Steenkamp. Steenkamp added, “We have transformed into a company capable of creating value throughout the cycle. We have optimised our existing portfolio, improved our asset mix and continue to make decisions that benefit all stakeholders. We have acquired assets and lengthened their lives when others no longer saw fit to do so,” said Steenkamp.


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