
Bodies of suspected cable thieves found next to the road between Carletonville and Welverdiend

The site of an open electrical cable next to the road between Carletonville and Welverdiend was a double murder scene last week.

According to the Carletonville police’s communication officer, WO Peter Masooa, SAPS members on a special operation were called to a scene next to the bridge over the road to Welverdiend at Khutsong Extension 5 on Thursday, 11 February.
A passer-by had noticed two bodies in the veld and, upon closer inspection, realised the men were dead. During preliminary investigations, the police determined that a man had been shot in the head and another in the stomach. The shooting had occurred between 01:00 and 06:00 that morning.
Police suspect the men were killed during an altercation between two rival groups about who should strip a piece of disconnected electrical cable next to the bridge.
Two men, both between their late thirties and early 40s, were arrested for being in possession of stolen copper cable.
The deceased were both identified as Lesotho nationals.
No one had been arrested in connection with the incident by the time the Herald went to print.
People with information on the burglaries should call the Crime Stop line at 086 00 10111.

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