
Fire at Carletonville Hospital not affecting healthcare services

The Gauteng Department of Health says that yesterday's fire at Carletonville Hospital is not affecting health care services.

The Gauteng Department of Health wishes says that the fire that broke out at Carletonville Hospital on Thursday, 4 February 2021 has not disrupted hospital services and there were no casualties reported.

One of the buildings at the Carletonville Hospital, known as Old Cresh Building caught fire resulting in the significant destruction of items inside. The Old Crèche building had been used as a storage facility for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and for health equipment that had been temporarily stored at the facility.

The hospital was requested by Gauteng Department of Infrastructure and Development (DID) to assist with temporary storage of health equipment and linen meant for the Anglo-Ashanti Hospital during its construction phase, due to the relative close proximity of the hospitals to each other.   There were no staff or patient casualties as a result of the fire. However, most of the items in storage were completely destroyed.

A team of engineers from DID visited the site to assess the electrical appliances and the Department awaits their official report. Furthermore, the Fire Department has already initiated investigations into the cause of the fire and a police case has been opened to also investigate all issues surrounding the cause of fire.

The hospital has replenished PPE stock from the provincial warehouses and an alternative storage area has been identified within the hospital to keep the stock.

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