
Adopt a pet and change lives

Would you like to change your life and that of a furry friend for the better?

Then adopt one of the many lovely animals at the Carletonville SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). According to the Humane Society, there are several reasons why it is better to adopt a pet from a shelter like the SPCA. One of them is that you will be sure that you get a healthy pet as the personnel examine, vaccinate, spay or neuter and microchip all the pets before adoption. In addition to medical care, the animals are also screened for specific temperaments and behaviour to make sure each family finds the right pet for its lifestyle. It is a common misconception that animals end up in shelters or with rescue groups be-cause they’ve been abused or done something “wrong.” In fact, most animals are given to shelters or rescue groups for “people reasons” like financial constraints and not because of anything they’ve done. This is particularly true in the difficult economic situation that many residents currently find themselves in with Covid-19.

Adopting a pet is much cheaper than buying it anywhere else because of the medical services included. Pets have a way of putting a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Not only do they give you unconditional love, but research confirms that pets provide humans with psychological, emotional, and physical benefits. Caring for a companion animal can give a sense of purpose and fulfilment and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups. For more information, call the SPCA at 018 788 6262. The kennels in Beerster Street are open from 09:00 to 16:00 on weekdays and 08:00 to 11:00 on Saturdays.

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