
Carletonville sportswoman makes history

A Carletonville resident made history when she was the first sailor to be awarded Wits University’s Sportswoman of the Year award.

Michaela Robinson won the accolade during the annual Wits Sports Awards this week.
Michaela and her brother, Ryan, were also part of a group of five sailors of the Wits Yacht Club who were awarded Full-Blue Cum Laude colours, usually reserved for student athletes who have achieved senior national colours.
The sailors made up the J.M. Busha 54 Peace team that success-fully competed in the Cape to Rio Yacht race earlier this year.
“Our club has often been over- looked, so winning prizes at this year’s Wits Sports Awards meant a lot to me, personally, and to the club. It’s almost as if we’re finally being taken seriously as a com- petitive club,” explained Michaela.
“I think Cape to Rio was just what the doctor ordered for being noticed; being taken seriously was very cool.
“That each of us was recognised individually and rewarded for the part we played in the success of the campaign was very special,” she says.
Robinson was the first sailor to claim the top women’s accolade in the history of the Wits Sports Awards. The 20-year-old accounting student still can’t quite get her head around it all.
“I still haven’t come to terms with how prestigious the award is and that I’ve won it. From an SA Sailing and university sailing perspective – the sport is being recognised. And by it being recognised and getting all this publicity, it’ll get people inter-ested in the sport and get them to go to their nearest club and try it out.
“A special shout out to my family for their input in what I’ve learnt and for supporting me in everything I do. Without them always pushing me to learn as much as I can, I wouldn’t have come anywhere near getting this award.
“A special mention to Ryan because it wouldn’t have been possible without his presence and support and being there. We make an excellent team – all my major accomplishments have been with him; we have this synergy that has just worked.”
Speaking of the exceptional achievement, the general manager of SA Sailing, Lucy da Freitas, added: “Congratulations to Michaela and all the other sailors who have been recognised for their awesome achievements. This has been such a strange year for us all, so we are thrilled to be able to celebrate our fantastic young sailors. It goes to show that the future of the sport is in excellent hands.”

Michaela Robinson.

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