
Watch out for hijackers with silver Polo

The police in Carletonville are warning motorists to be vigilant as hijackers are active in the area.

According to the communication officer of the police in Carletonville, WO Peter Masooa, the police have received several complaints of motorists being hijacked where the N12 joins the P111 on the way to Carletonville.
In the latest incident, the driver of a delivery bakkie with a trailer loaded with building material was turning at the intersection when he suddenly saw a silver Volkswagen Polo behind him. The incident happened at 10:00 on Tuesday, 13 October.
The driver of the Polo flashed his car’s lights and the bakkie’s driver stopped.
Suddenly, three men jumped out of the Polo and ran up to him. They grabbed the driver and forced him into the Polo before speeding off. They later dropped him on the side of the road.
At the time of the newspaper going to print, the bakkie and trailer were still missing.
“Hijackers know that it is not easy to take your vehicle from you while the wheels are in motion. For this reason, they will often indicate that something is wrong with your vehicle to get you to stop,” warns Masooa.
The police also advise drivers who think they are being hijacked not to accelerate as it would show them that you are scared.
Rather make them aware that you have seen their gestures, but do not plan to stop.
Take the shortest route to the nearest police station, or, if you have to stop, do so where people can see what is going on and help you.
If at all possible, take a selfie showing the vehicle behind you and send it to someone who can help or keep the information and show it to the police later.
Masooa also warns drivers to be on the lookout for this Polo; it has been implicated in several hijackings in the area.

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