
Case against crèche case assaulter again postponed

The case against Nelly Senwametsi, the woman who assaulted three children at the Ninnies Neurons crèche in Carletonville was again postponed.

Senwametsi, a former employee of the crèche, appeared in the Oberholzer Magistrates Court this morning after previously being convicted of two counts of common assault and one count of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm of three four-year-old children.

In three separate videos that went viral on 4 April 2019 Senwametsi is shown smashing and bashing the toddlers.

According to the organisation Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA) it has taken them more than a year of support to the mothers as well as pressure by the organisation to the NPA and SAPS to reach this point.

The organisation is also lobbying to get Senwametsi sentenced to the minimum prescribed sentence of ten years.

The case was, however, postponed until 16 and 17 September cue to the Senwametsi’s lawyer being in self-isolation.


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