
Graveyard in a terrible state

Mourners at funerals in the Carletonville Graveyard must make sure they do not need the toilet while they are there.

This is because the ablutions have been vandalised to such an extent that they cannot be used at all.
The Herald recently accompanied a ward councillor, fMr Carlos Rebelo to the facility. Not only had the roof been ripped off but all the metal fixtures like taps, handles and pipes had been stolen and the basins left on the floor.
According to Rebelo, members of the community also complain that the grass outside the garden section of the graveyard has not been cut.
Although the families of those buried in the other parts should clean around the graves themselves, the rest of the grass has not been cut. “This is a disgrace. Many people from other towns come here. Why is the place not maintained and security guards put in place to watch it,” Rebelo lamented.
The Herald asked the Merafong City Local Municipality about the problems on Tuesday.
“The toilets’ roof was recently stolen. The ablutions will be fixed and the grass cut as soon as possible as this is a new financial year,” says a municipal spokesperson.

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