Women’s Month Competition Entries

Celebrating the Strength and Spirit of Women: Honouring You This Women’s Month!

To all the remarkable women out there, this month we celebrate your resilience, your strength, and your unyielding spirit. From the moment you stepped into the world, you’ve been a beacon of hope, a source of inspiration, and a force for change.

Inspiring Women: See Our Contest Entries

Where do I even begin! Such a strong torn character, i was raised by  a woman who was emotionally abused, a woman who had kept it all together for 37 years in her marriage, a woman who took me to varsity with her RAF money. My mother a woman of integrity, a very strong woman, when they say u strive a woman u srive a rock they mean her. If i had to win it will be an award not for me, but foe my mother, the woman in me!

my mother, my strength, my.mother, my pride… Because of her, i believe i can enter marriage without fear.  She has build the woman i.have become, through her tears, torn heart, the community shaming and labelling her, i have gained wisdom, faith and honesty. A woman amongst women.

The Bond Between a Mother and Daughter: A Celebration of Women’s Day

As we celebrate Women’s Day, I am reminded of the extraordinary bond I share with my mother. Our relationship is built on unconditional love, mutual respect, and shared growth, making us deserving of recognition on this special day.

Our bond is rooted in unwavering support and acceptance, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges together. We celebrate each other’s triumphs and learn from our setbacks, fostering a deep understanding and empathy. We empower each other to pursue our passions and dreams, inspiring independence and confidence.

What makes our bond special is the intergenerational connection we share, blending wisdom, experience, and fresh perspectives. We understand and validate each other’s emotions, creating a safe space for open communication. Our core values and principles align, strengthening our connection and creating a sense of unity.

We find joy in each other’s company and I love her.

Zelda Xakwe & nomthandazo Xakwe.

Ek het n moeder n vriendin n steenpilaar n raad prater n mens met n baie groot Hart altyd plek vir alles maak nie saak wat nie soms is Die vrou so Oë soveel vol traane wat weggesteek word onder almal en papnat gelaat word in die aand op n warm kussing maar steeds is sy n sterkvrou wat opstaan en aangaan met die Wete dat GOD haar dra en dat sy sterker word met alles in haar

My name is Nandipha Maseko a 21 year old lady .My daughters name is Oyintando Maseko currently 2 years of age .This is a beautiful picture of me and my daughter…What is our special bond …I was born on the 10th of October 2002 and God bless me with my daughter on the 10th of October 2021.My daughter has changed my life for the better because I am a single parent to her since day .I learned to be independent by choosing to get a job so I can provide her needs.My daughter is everything to me .She puts a smile on my face on my saddest days .She is also my best friend since I am a teenage parent to her..

Here are some reasons why we deserve to become winners in this competition

  1. Personal growth: To challenge myself and push beyond my comfort zone.
  2. Role modeling: To show my child(ren) the importance of perseverance and striving for excellence.
  3. Financial support: To potentially win prizes or funding that can support my family’s well-being.
  4. Networking opportunities: To connect with others in my field and build valuable relationships.
  5. Inspiring others: To demonstrate that single moms can achieve their goals and make a difference.
  6. Self-care: To take a break from daily responsibilities and focus on my own aspirations.
  7. Building confidence: To prove to myself that I’m capable of succeeding in a competitive environment.
  8. Creating opportunities: To open doors for myself and my family, and create new possibilities.
  9. Showing resilience: To demonstrate that single moms can overcome obstacles and thrive.
  10. Empowerment: To take control of my life and create better future🤗❤️❤‍🔥🤏

Hi my name is mathapelo Beauty Gayise iam 42 years my princess name is Bofelo.i never new i was pregnant she was hidding her self she wanted to suprise me.i felt something playing in my womb at the clinic they told me i was 9month pregnant they told me to go to the hospital when i get the.the Doctor said iam going to have a c section i didn’t believe i was having a baby.by the grace of GOD my c section went well when the nurse bring my Angel she ask me if its a boy or girl i said boy iam used of getting boys she said no its a girl i was in pain but you should have seen my face it was like i have won a Lotto i was so happy she is my joy my happiness we love her

Hi Ster this is my picture with my second born baby girl of Wich I love her so much, she’s such a sweet little girl and very caring.i would love us to win the competition so that we can strengthen our relationship as a mother and daughter  and I think it will be great for us to talk woman to woman .I love her so much and I know she loves me too ♥️

Good evening, my name is Tshidi Nthunya and my daughter’s name is Michelle. As I’m writing right now I am so emotional because of the support my daughter give me everyday.

I lost both my parents and all my siblings after losing them I wasn’t myself I wanted to die but when I see my daughter’s support I told myself that I have to be strong for her as I raised her alone as single mom. Today my daughter and I we are very close we go to church together, malls, school, and everywhere I regain my strength because of my daughter.

I think I need to win this competition because I am the best mom in the world I also raise my nephew everyday I make sure they are okay. This photo of my daughter and I we were going through the most I was a size 28 from size 34 and I was not even in the Vaal because I had to run away for my life my mom’s family gang up on me they wanted my mom’s house. Today I thank God for blessing me with my beautiful daughter who is strong and my prayer partner.

My daughter is the sunshine 🌞 that brightens every day.We share unbreakable bond and I’ve dedicated my life in nurturing and supporting my daughter ‘s dreams ,passion and individuality.I’ve been her rock,her confident and her guiding light.Together we’ve created a lifelong friendship that is transcend.

Together we embody the value of empathy,kindness and resilience. We are a team, a partnership and a testament to the power of mother-daughter relationship.Our connection, love and commitment to each other makes our relationship stronger every day and also the the reliance on God’s guidance and love.

What set us apart is our ability to balance tradition and modernity,embracing our unique qualities while learning from each other.My daughter inspires me with her curiosity and enthusiasm, while I share my life experiences and wisdom with her.

This competition is not just about winning its about celebrating the beauty of mother-daughter relationships. Proud mom at all times🕯️🕯️❤️

My mini me !

She is my everything, my everyday breath. A reason we deserve to win the competition is because of my beautiful daughter as the prize will  make a huge difference in her life, it will be very greatful pleasure for her as she’ll be flying to Seychelles for her dance competitions, so for us to be winners of mom and daughter competition it can really really make her dream come true, as a proud mother who wants to see her dreams fulfilled that’s why I entered this competition hoping and crossing fingers that whatever prize will be won would really make a difference in my daughter life!!!

Nomthandazo Mankae

The picture is a little old. However this is me n my princess my best friend…. Even after loosing my job just early this year she still manages to make me laugh on my bad days n wipe my tears when times are hard unfortunately tomorrow is her birthday and I won’t be able to even buy her a R1 sweet but she always has a smile on her face at the rate she is going at she will be the one to uplift me in the future but God willing I will fight to get her all she needs.

My 6 years old daughter was diagnosed with mixed cerebral palsy,she is a known epileptic and has quite a number of operations on her stomach. She cannot walk which makes her realize how different she is from other children. When I see her I see my fighter,surviver and piller of strength. I believe that she deserves to win because I would like her to know that everyone is different and unique in their own way,I don’t want her disability to limit her options for going out there and becoming who she wants to be. She must not be afraid to step out of her comfort zone unapologetically so. She must be open minded and an extrovert. May she see this opportunity as a ground breaking one and be able to see that she does fit in. Thank you

I think my mom deserves to win because she is a strong, independent and selfless single mother who is raising 5 kids, three of her own and two of her sister who passed away last year. She is the epitome of “mme otshwara thipa ka bohaleng” because not only has she been through a lot of things and losing her parents and sister in a space of 2 years she still gets up in the morning and goes to work hard for me and my siblings to have a bright future. She is very stern in prayer and has been my biggest support system, even in times I don’t feel like pushing forward she fills me with words of love and encouragement. There are some nights where she cries herself to sleep in silence but she still manages to keep a smile on OUR faces and encourage us to be the better versions of ourselves. Even with the little money she makes transporting kids to school she makes sure to put food on the table, clothes on our backs and still manages to put me through varsity. She literally deserves all the good that God brings to her.

Growing up without a father wasn’t easy, but my mother was both mother and father to me. We didn’t have much, but she gave me everything she could.  I remember One night, after a tough day at school, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of everything,my studies, the looks from kids who had more and felt lonely.

I sat at our little kitchen table, trying to focus on my schoolwork, but I couldn’t. My mom came home after a long day at work, exhausted but still managing to smile. She saw the tears I was fighting to hold back. She didn’t say anything at first, just sat beside me, her presence enough to make me feel safe.

Then she took my hand, held it tight, and with tears in her own eyes, said, “I know it’s hard, my girl. I know you see what others have and wonder why we don’t. But what we have is worth more than anything money can buy. We have each other, and I will never stop fighting for you. You are stronger than you know.

This isn’t just a competition to me but a tribute to my mother for all she done thank u

Hi! My name is Nthabi Mother of Retha. The reason why I deserve to win is that I’m a woman who has a very strong genes as u can see my daughter and I it’s like we’re sisters🥰we spent most of our time together. I’m so special to my daughter  coz I’m a single mother but Im trying my best to make sure she doesn’t feel that gap of fatherless 🤗

This are my twins that was born in 2020/04/17. I struggled through pregnancy as the father has denied them the following year after they were born I lost my job while on maternity leave but thank God till this day I’m still taking care of them by myself without an income we only survive with their social grant but all is still well 🙏🙏🙏

Special Greetings 😁👋. Thank you for this opportunity 🙏🏽. My name is Smangele, Virginia Mkwanazi and in the picture in with my daughter Khanyisile Mkwanazi .

Since it’s a special month called August i saw this competition then i thought its a good thing to join this competition . Let me tell about myself.

I deserve to win because I’m a true gem! My passion and resilience shine brighter than diamonds. I’ve faced challenges head-on, and my determination has led me to achieve greatness.

What makes me special is my kind heart and generous spirit. I’ve helped others without expectation, spreading love and positivity wherever I go. My authenticity and vulnerability make me relatable and real.

I’m not just a participant, I’m a winner in every sense. I’ve inspired others with my story, and my presence has made a difference. Choose me, and you’ll be choosing a beacon of hope and joy!

I’m a true South African gem, with a heart of gold and a spirit of Ubuntu. I deserve to win because I embody the true spirit of kind

Hi ,this is Mpho molefe 35 and karabo Azania molefe 12.

We are very happy to be part of  mother and daughter competition.

I think I deserve to be a winner because of the hard work I do as a mother.

Still celebrating 12 years of being a mother, but not just a mother but a single mother.

I give thanks to God for the strength he gave me , through out this Years.even though some days were tough.

Because wow being a single mother with out your mother and sisters next to you ,is not easy at all, because this jouney of being a mother needs support from your family, especially your mother but wow🤗I did it without anyone but God 🙌and this can show how powerful is a mother 🤞🥹so I say this women deserve to be celebrated,to be crowded best mom👑, what a good job I’m doing, raising a girl child like her, seeing her growing fast, seeing her doing good at school, makes me a very proud mom.

I love the women she becaming💯😘😍

This is because of another women

A Mother is a woman like no other, She is the one who brought life into this world, the one who raised children with love and care and the Who will always be there for her children no matter what A mother’s love is unconditionally and incomparable

To a daughter a mother is more than just a parent she is a role model, a confidante and a best friend

A Mother’s presence my daughter life is invaluable shaping her into the woman she will become in future.

I sacrifices her own needs and her desire for my sake always putting her well-being my things, My bond to lovely daughter will never be broken no matter the distance or time apart.

To my daughter, A mother is a source of strength and inspiration, I love my daughter is something truly special and unique.

It is bond that transcend time and space a connection that will a last lifetime.

I am truly special to my daughter and am forever gratefully for everything I do

To all mother’s out there support your daughter’s and respect them no matter how young there.

My heart is pure & I love with everything I have.

I’m a beacon of hope in a sometimes a dark world showing that despite life’s challenges one can remain good hearted & true..My presence is comforting & my ability to listen and understand makes me a cherished friend,.I’m a woman of substance someone who brings depth & meaning to the lives of those fortunate enough to know me.

This women’s month, I believe I deserve to be a winner because I embody the spirit of resilience, determination, and compassion. As a strong and independent individual, I have overcome numerous challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.My unwavering dedication to empowering others, especially women  makes me so special. Through mentorship, support, and advocacy, I have created a ripple effect of positivity, inspiring others to find their voice and pursue their dreams.  My unique blend of empathy, creativity, and leadership skills enables me to make a meaningful impact in my community. I am o change-maker, a problem-solver, and a beacon of hope. Winning this recognition would not only honor my achievements but also fuel my passion to continue uplifting and celebrating women’s excellence.  Again what makes me special is my ability to  uplift and celebrate others, while remaining humble and grounded.

I am a good listener,a learner, and a leader who embodies the spirits of soliditarity and sisterhood.  I believe in transformative power of women’s collective potential and strive to create opportunities for growth, connections, and empowerment. This women’s month I deserve to be recognized for my tireless efforts to make a difference in the lives of women and girls. I am a Shining example of what it means to be a strong, talented, and compassionate  woman, and I deserve to be celebrated this women’s month because I am a testament of all women out there. Happy women’s month to all wonderful and strong women. 🍾

Greetings Sedibeng STER team

I am Thandiwe Latha From Evaton west Ext 7, a 25 Year old female. I deserve to be the winner because I am a phenomenal woman, a woman of substance and God’s favourite. I resemble my name “Thandiwe”, I am super special as I am taking care of my Mom & sister who are both Mentally challenged and still soldering on like I’ve got no problems.That is what I take pride in, circumstances do not shake me and I trust God ‘s timing and plans.

Thank you ❤️

With the above photo of myself and my daughter, we would like to take this opportunity to salute women everywhere who strive to bring peace every day, who are human rights activists, who are human rights defenders, who lead and fight for change. This year’s International Women’s Day sees a world hobbled by confrontation, fragmentation, fear, and, most of all, inequality🙌

Happy Woman’s Month from us to All the “MBOKODOS” out there..

Wathinta AVAFAZI wathinta 👑IMBOKODO👑

Raising a Girl child is a big responsibility that need wisdom, patience and lots of love… With Boldness i say i am that Woman👑👏👏👏

“I’m lucky to have you in my life. As a young person, you did everything you could to set me up for success in life. To me, you’ll always be the best mum in the world. Thank you Mum, for everything.

Thank you for always being there for me. I’m the person I am today because of you.”

You have always made me feel loved and important. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for all you do.

First time in a long time, I realise that I didn’t always show you how much I love you. Thank you for everything you did for me now that I am older. You made a lot of sacrifices for me, and I want you to know that I’m so grateful for everything you did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There’s no way I could even begin to tell you how much I love and admire you. You have been there for me when I’ve needed you the most – at the best and worst of times. I’ll always be grateful for your help and support. Everything I have and am is because of you. Thanks for being my Mum.”


My grandmother has always been the best mother figure in my life. When I was ever I feel down all she would advise me is to pray. When I was pregnant, she was there and she supported me to even complete my tertiary studies. She also helping with my kid, she plays a big role in our life.  Lately she been struggling as she old all I want is to celebrate her while she still alive, as they say give them flowers while they can still smell them. I just want to Thanks for all the teaching and the supports she always gives us.  #WomensMonth #SedibengSter #MotherDaughterLove #Competition #CelebrateWomen

As we are in the women’s month I’m forever reminded that strong women, strong world.

“Empowered women,empower the world”

I always strive for perfection in the eyes of my one and only daughter,because she brings the best and worst out of me trying to teach her how a woman behaves and carries herself

To my daughter this is not only for competition but a true reflection of my feelings towards you, I Know you think I’m too hard on you but you unleashed the strength I didn’t know I had.

You are the light of my life,you brought warmth and peace in my life, you are the sister I never had.

I found a safe space to talk and confide to, you are young but so brave and fierce , a young go getter.

Nonkululeko you boosted my confidence and self-esteem.

I always pray for you that you become the best version of me and us winning this prize will help me  continue with my studies to help you grow in a warmth. Thank you!

My mom is my best friend and has always been my pillar of strength and I sometimes feel like I don’t give her enough credit for all the hard work she does. This amazing experience will tighten our bond because we will spend time together and will show how much i love and appreciate her. And ever since she obtained her qualification at 46 we never got to celebrate that milestone for and she never attended her graduation so this will count for that and the amazing women that she is.

The day that I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter, my life changed forever.

I started a journey that has brought out the best in me and sometimes the worst of me

I became responsible for this tiny human growing her arms, legs & everything else

I had to watch what I ate & what I drank. I had to become very self aware & sometimes I found it so exhausting


This journey of motherhood has been one I wouldn’t change for the world

Raising a child & playing the most important role of the nurturer, shaping her world view & how she relates to herself has been an absolute privilege

I have had to unlearn so many horrible habits & give up parts of myself that I didn’t know existed

Everyday I strive to be the best role model for her & I hope I’m doing a good job

I hope through me she can see that she can conquer anything & be whoever she wants to be

She’s held me together & been my driving force when I’ve had none

I’m so proud of who she’s becoming & I’m so grateful that she is mine

I love you baby & I’m so glad I’m your mama 🥰

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