You can put these five pregnancy fears to bed

We’ve rounded up five common fears expecting moms don’t need to worry about during their pregnancy.

During the course of your pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to worry about your health and the health of your unborn baby. The good news is that there are some things you don’t need to worry about.

Stretch marks, acne, hair all over, larger breasts

Will your body ever be the same again? Well, mostly. About half of all pregnant women get stretch marks, but they fade over time, and there are many products that can help. Most symptoms that occur in pregnancy are treatable and will fade. These include spider veins, pregnancy mask, and extensive hair growth. Even your breasts may return to their pre-pregnancy size a few months after your baby’s birth.

Not being a good enough mom

Motherhood can be scary, especially when you think that your child is going to be dependent on you for everything. But the fact that you’re even worried about this shows how much you care for your baby, which is a pretty good start to motherhood. Just trust your instincts and do the best you can for your child, which is all that any of us can do.

Gaining weight

A whole new life is developing inside you, so a bit of extra weight seems a small price to pay for something so incredible. Normal weight gain throughout pregnancy is around 2 – 4 kg in the first 20 weeks, and a further 10 – 14kg in the second 20 weeks of pregnancy. Eat sensibly, get some light exercise, and interpret cravings healthily. If you’re retaining too much water, or if your weight gain is excessively low, chat to your doctor or midwife. They’ll advise you on how much weight you should be gaining and if your baby is developing properly. Once your little one is born, breastfeeding will burn calories, and you’ll probably be so wrapped up in being a mom, that a few extra kilos won’t matter. When you’re ready, you can take your baby for gentle walks, and soon you’ll be running after a busy toddler.

Harming my unborn baby by eating the wrong foods

There are actually only a handful of foods that experts recommend you steer away from during pregnancy. The guidelines are fairly simple:

Will intercourse hurt my unborn baby?

Your baby’s very safe in your womb, so it’s ok to get intimate with your partner. Many women even have an increased libido. Refrain from sex if you notice an abnormal vaginal discharge, or if your doctor has cautioned against it. If you experience bleeding, check with your doctor, especially if there’s also fever, pain, or a change in your baby’s movements. Once your baby is born, sex may not interest you for a while, but if you give yourself time, your sex life will return to normal.  

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