
On my mind – Albinism in our society

Our society is rich with different peoples and no one has the right to discriminate against another person because of their skin colour or skin condition. This week, I want to talk about albinism because I have seen some people that have had the nerve to make fun of people with albinism. Albinism (lack of …

Our society is rich with different peoples and no one has the right to discriminate against another person because of their skin colour or skin condition. This week, I want to talk about albinism because I have seen some people that have had the nerve to make fun of people with albinism. Albinism (lack of pigment) is an inherited condition where a person is unable to produce normal colouring of the skin, hair and eyes. The condition can be limited to the eye or involve the eye and the skin. Those suffering from this condition should be accepted in society, just like anyone else. They should be encouraged and their self-esteem should be boosted. Their parents should be enabled and supported to care properly for these children and society should create an environment of unconditional acceptance for them. People in our society are ignorant about albinism and, as a result of fear, most probably, make this sector of our society feel like they are not human. What upsets me are the ridiculous myths about people living with albinism. I once read an article in a magazine stating that, in some parts of Southern and Eastern Africa, body parts of those living with albinism are believed to hold ‘magic powers’, so they are hunted and killed by ‘albino hunters’. I really don’t know what this world we’re living in is coming to. There are also those who believe that albinism is a punishment or a curse from the gods or ancestral spirits due to wrongs done in the family. The fact is, albinism is not a curse, people need to understand that. Albinism is a genetic condition that is passed on from parents to children. People should get to know those suffering from albinism and accept them for who they are.

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